Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Free Art Materials, and a Trolley Tour

Friday, June 20th from noon to 6pm, Zero Landfill will be giving away artist/decor materials inside the Kids in Need Foundation located at 3631 Perkins Ave. in downtown Cleveland. Looks like there will be a lot of things assemblage, installation artists and sculptors would dig. For more information and a list of just some of the materials they'll be giving away, go to www.ZeroLandfill.net

2008 Artist Live/Work Loft Tour Saturday, June21 FROM 1:00 - 5:00 pm
This year the Artspace trolley tours will venture to the St. Clair and Gordon Square art districts. BOARD THE TROLLEY AT 1400 EAST 30TH STREET to tour the St. Clair/Superior lofts.Adults $10/ Seniors $5/(55+) Artists & Students $5/ Children 10 years and under - Free
Reservations and questions: (p) 216-241-4355 or (e) gouldloft@sbcglobal.net

The Artspace-Cleveland Member's Show is currently on view until July 4th at Wooltex Gallery in the Tower Press Building on Superior. Open from 11am to 3pm Wednesday thru Saturday.

1 comment:

BomTrown said...

i kin dof like zerolandfill's website design.